Can you describe the work experience and what your role was?
My work experience was with Qantas and I was learning about the different aspects of the airline. My week was spent in different areas of Qantas, from the headquarters to the runway.
How were you chosen for the work experience? What was the process?
It was a very selective written application process. I needed to be recommended by a Qantas pilot and there were only eight students from around Australia chosen to be part of the work experience program this year.
Can you describe some of the activities that you undertook while you were on work experience?
Some things we did were to receive tours of the headquarters, training buildings, the airport headquarters, the tarmac, different aircraft, as well as the hangars. I was able to go on fixed base simulators, see the Qantas Museum and see some behind-the-scenes information on how Qantas operates.
Were there any particular tasks that stood out to you? Why?
There was not one thing that stood out to me. The entire experience and the opportunity to actually be there and experience everything I did, from the museum to the time on the tarmac, was amazing and an awesome experience.
What new skills did you learn while you were there?
Some new skills I learned while I was there included how to use aviation programs such as flight planners and flight navigation plans/aids.
- How did the work experience help you understand more about the industry?
My time at Qantas made me understand that there is so much more to the entire industry than just a pilot in the cockpit and someone in the tower telling the pilot where to go, from those who plan flights to those who organise the flight schedules. There is so much more than I realised there could be in the industry.
Did you face any challenges during your work experience? How did you overcome them?
The main challenge I faced throughout my work experience was keeping track of my bank balance and making sure that I didn’t go overboard spending during the lunch breaks.
In what ways do you feel that this work experience has helped you grow as a person?
The Qantas work experience has helped me grow as a person by making me understand that everyone is different in the workforce and that there is so much more to life than what we as students understand of life.
What was the most memorable part of the work experience?
The most memorable part of my time there was at the Qantas Museum.
Has this influenced your career aspirations or future plans? If so, how?
My time at Qantas hasn’t changed my career aspirations or changed my future plans, but it has broadened my horizons about the possibilities of a career in aviation, such as doing both office work and being a pilot, or doubling as an engineer and helping out there from time to time.
What advice would you give to other students considering work experience placements?
My advice to other students wanting to receive work experience placements in aviation is to make connections within the industry. Be as persistent as possible, because you may not be accepted to begin with in a program like this, but keep persevering. Speak with Ms Smith about your ideas and she will help you.
What was the most valuable lesson that you learned on your work experience?
The most valuable lesson I learned on my work experience was to make the most out of the experiences you are given.
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